Friday, January 6, 2012

OccuParty Saturday!

It's going to be warm and sunny, so don't you dare miss it.

Barefoot and Progressive:

Third in the nation and the longest continuous, uninterrupted Wall Street occupation in the country, Occupy Lexington is celebrating 100 Days and you’re invited:

North America’s longest running occupation is holding an open house this Saturday to celebrate its 100th day at the corner of Main and Esplanade in beautiful and historic downtown Lexington, Kentucky. Our camp has prospered at the foot of JP Morgan Chase because of good fortune: we have a mayor who thus far has allowed our presence, a professional police force that recognizes we pose no threat to the public (and that often waves to us when driving by camp on Tuesday mornings near 4:00 AM), and ordinary citizen activists like yourselves who have contributed various types of support.

On our centennial day at JP Morgan Plaza, we invite all you elected officials, neighbors, police, teachers, builders, writers, poets, children and the rest to drop on by our encampment to celebrate this noteworthy community landmark, and to offer ideas on how we can become better area residents. The winter is starting, and we would like our community’s input—political, police, educational, homeless, immigrant, artsy-fartsy, suburban, or any other community—for how our winter camp can more productively run.

Here’s the schedule of events:

12:00: The Speaker’s Corner will begin with a teach-in and continue throughout the day.
12:30: Teach-in on the consensus process with Kate Folsom.
1:00: Teach-in on political theory with Steven Burt.
2:00: Household working group meeting.
3:00: Libertarian Municipalism: Get an update and contribute your thoughts on the community markets that are being developed for Spring/Summer 2012.
4:00: Guerilla Bocce League: Two balls, one game to eleven.
4:30: Pot luck. If you plan to bring food, post on the event’s wall!
5:30: People’s Budget meeting.
6:30: General Assembly.
7:30: March.
8:30: Occu-Party!

Also from Barefoot, a related OccuPetition for you to sign:

A petition from North of Center:

I support Creatives for Common Sense in their quest to get Lexington Mayor Jim Gray to print and hang a banner advertising Lexington’s position as the longest running Wall Street occupation in North America. The banner should be placed alongside the other Lexington accomplishments enshrined in banners on the Commerce Lexington building, which faces the all-important Main Street corridor. Banner should read: #1: Best Cities to hold a prolonged Wall Street Occupation.

Click on over to sign.

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