Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Women First - to be Thrown Overboard

That repugs and freakazoids are still out to exceed even the Taliban in the abuse of women more than ever before is no surprise; it's the willingness of supposedly liberal Democrats to offer up women's lives as bargaining chips that enrages.


Sarah Posner has published an informative new article about the latest tactics in the war on women. Evidently Texas is now the epicenter of the Right To Life movement and they are going after birth control:


May I please have one of those "conscience clauses" requiring that the government not spend my tax dollars on patriarchal throwbacks? I think it's only fair.

Read Posner's whole piece. The so-called lovers of "life" have already extended their battle to birth control --- proving that they are less about their great love of blastocysts than about their great loathing for women having stress and guilt free physical pleasure. (Either that or they really need that frisson of danger that sex could result in pregnancy to enjoy themselves.)

This piece makes it clear that the battle for reproductive freedom needs to be engaged right now, openly and without all this "common ground" nonsense that the Religion Industrial Complex is selling. They have managed to demonize abortion to such an extent it's become an act of shame for most politicians to support it unequivocally as a matter of personal autonomy. And now they have launched their crusade against birth control. You don't win battles like these with compromise.

More details on Rick Perry's War on Women here.

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