Friday, December 9, 2011

US. Army Hearts EPA

Republicans have been anti-military for more than a decade now, so I guess this will just inspire them to consign the United States Army to the ranks of the commiemuslinterrists.

From TPM:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been a favorite target of House Republicans and presidential candidates all year, most notably current front-runner Newt Gingrich, but it looks like those working to dismantle the agency are going to have a tougher go of it from now on.

Last (month), with little fanfare, the U.S. Army and EPA signed an agreement to collaborate on “Net Zero,” an Army program designed to implement technologies for resource conservation, renewable energy and energy self-sufficiency on Army bases.

The agreement underscores the growing extent to which the Army, along with the other four branches of the armed services, have begun to join environmental and military sustainability in a single mission.

The Army’s support could make it more difficult for Republicans to make a good case for diluting EPA’s authority, let alone eliminating the agency outright.

Could, but won't. That dastardly EPA is brainwashing our troops! Kill it now!

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