Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pay Millions to Lobbyists to Avoid Millions in Taxes

It's not true that corporations who don't pay taxes are just sitting on their massive profits of the last three years instead of investing in the economy to create jobs. They're spending that money on lobbying Congress to prevent any efforts to force them to pay taxes.

Think Progress:

A report released this month by Public Campaign demonstrates just how important it is for Americans to battle corporate special interests and reclaim our democracy. The group’s research finds that thirty big corporations actually spent more money lobbying the federal government between 2008 and 2010 than they spent in taxes. For example, General Electric — one of the top 10 most profitable companies in the world — got a net tax rebate of $4.7 billion during this period. Meanwhile, it spent $84 million lobbying the federal government.

Here’s the full list of the 30 corporations identified and what they paid in federal taxes as opposed to lobbying:

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