Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Leaderless," "Goal-less" Occupy Keeps Notching Victories

Funny how that works.

Lisa Derrick at Firedoglake last week:

Hey, all you naysayers who claim Occupy did nada–yeah Limbaugh, you lima bean, I mean you–check this out:

At a packed City Council meeting that included remarks from a man in a top hat with fake money tucked in the pocket of his suit, Los Angeles lawmakers Tuesday called for more regulations on how much corporations can spend on political campaigns…

The council resolution includes support for a constitutional amendment that would assert that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights, and that spending money is not a form of free speech.

City Council President Eric Garcetti, the resolution’s sponsor, said such actions are necessary because “big special interest money” is behind much of the gridlock in Washington….

“The flood of money since Citizens United is literally drowning out our voices,” said Garcetti, who is running for mayor in 2013. “If we’re going to be moving forward in this country, we need less special interest money in the political process.”

Councilman Richard Alarcon, who also supported the resolution, said corporations are “trying to take over every aspect of our lives.”

Occupy LA’s 60 days on the City Hall lawn made an impact. Occupy’s 292 arrests for failure to disperse made an impact. This is the beginning. Let’s take it to the end: End Citizens United and let the citizens unite for democracy.

We run this! And all your bases are belong to us.

It's not just LA.

Zaid Jilani at Think Progress last week:

The 99 Percent scored a huge victory in Cleveland, as the city council voted 18-1 last night to endorse the “occupy movement” and called on Congress to prosecute the big banks for financial fraud and related crimes. Access the full resolution as passed here.

Got an Occupation in your town? Attend the next General Assembly with a copy of the Cleveland resolution, and suggest taking it to your own city council.

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