Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kentucky School Superintendant Denies Gravity

Actually, the moron repeats the scientifically illiterate claim that evolution is a theory, not a fact.

Ever hear of the Theory of Gravity, you brain-dead goat-fucker?

From the Herald:

Hart County's school superintendent is arguing that a new test that Kentucky high school students will take for the first time next spring will treat evolution as fact, not theory, and will require schools to teach that way.

Superintendent Ricky D. Line raised the issue in recent letters and email messages to state Education Commissioner Terry Holliday and Kentucky Board of Education members. Line wants them to reconsider the "Blueprint" for Kentucky's new end-of-course test in biology.

"I have a deep concern about the increased emphasis on the evolution content required," Line wrote. "After carefully reviewing the Blueprint, I find the increase is substantial and alarming."

Line contends that the Blueprint essentially would "require students to believe that humans ... evolved from primates such as apes and ... were not created by God."

"I have a very difficult time believing that we have come to a point ... that we are teaching evolution ... as a factual occurrence, while totally omitting the creation story by a God who is bigger than all of us," he wrote. "My feeling is if the Commonwealth's site-based councils, school board members, superintendents and parents were questioned ... one would find this teaching contradictory to the majority's belief systems."

Holliday insisted Monday that Kentucky will not be teaching evolution as fact. Currently, teachers can discuss theories of creation other than evolution but they are not required to teach them.

In an earlier response to Line, Holliday wrote that end-of-course tests are intended to reflect college and career readiness and "promote more rigor and depth in traditional courses." Educators would be doing Kentucky students a disservice by "denying them the opportunity to learn science concepts required to obtain that goal," Holliday wrote.

Line is a mouth-breathing freakazoid who shouldn't be permitted within five miles of a student, but the real culprit here is Holliday and the state Department of Education for not banning freakazoid idiocy from science classes and standing foursquare in defense of the scientific fact of evolution.

Shame on you, Terry Holliday. Shame on you, Kentucky Department of Education. Shame on you, Governor Steve Beshear for contributing to the moronification of Kentucky by supporting brain-melting idiocy like the Flintstones Truther Park.

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