Saturday, December 10, 2011

Foreclosure Not Stopped by Invisible Sky Wizard

I am thrilled those middle-class public servants and middle-class employees of a private company both realized the right thing to do and summoned the courage to do so. It's too bad that people involved gave unearned credit to a dangerous myth.

Susie Madrak at Crooks and Liars:

Cops and movers in Atlanta refused to remove a 103-year-old woman and her 83-year-old daughter from their home in foreclosure proceedings. Nice to know some public servants still have consciences -- unlike bankers:

In a heart warming story just in time for the holiday season, a 103-year-old woman in Atlanta avoided foreclosure of her home Tuesday afternoon, thanks entirely to the kindness of strangers.

According to WSBTV Atlanta, movers hired by Deutsche Bank AG and police were ready to go through with the bank’s request to remove Vita Lee and her 83-year old daughter from their home.

However, when they first got sight of Lee, they had a change of heart and declined to go through with it.

“I saw the sheriffs who came to put them out, take off and leave,” community activist Michael Langford said to WSBTV. ”I gave all glory to God.”

Lee, whose daughter was rushed to the hospital to the hospital from the stress of possibly facing an eviction, was relieved that the movers and police had compassion for their condition.

“I know God said when things go wrong, he’ll make it right,” she said.

And Lee decided to give Deutsche Bank a message if they pondered to still go through on the foreclosure.

“Please don’t come in and disturb me no more,” she reportedly said. “When I’m gone you all can come back and do whatever they want to.”

Human conscience, sense of community and compassion saved Lee's home. It's an insult to those wonderful people to give credit to an invisible sky wizard that doesn't exist.

Human beings consumed by greed and arrogance stole the homes of tens of millions of hard-working Americans without the direction of any mythical being. Human beings inspired by justice seek redress for that crime, again without the direction of any mythical being.

Put the blame where it belongs, and give credit where it's due.

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