Saturday, November 5, 2011

You Can Always Tell A Democrat; You Just Can't Tell 'Em Much

I really hate the "battered spouse" analogy for Defeatist Democrats in Congress, but the only other explanation is that they are actively working to destroy their own party - along with what remains of the American Middle Class.

Digby, on the "Sacrifice Scam:"

Oh spare me:

To underscore the fact that GOP’s intransigence on taxes is the source of the gridlock, the committee’s Democratic co-chair confirmed that Democrats are willing to make the sort of deep cuts to entitlement programs Republicans are demanding — but only if Republicans abandon the pledge.

“It’s not enough for either side to simply say they want to reduce the deficit—now is the time when everyone needs to be putting some real skin in the game and offering serious compromises,” Murray said at the hearing, in her most pointed public comments to date. “Democrats have made clear we are prepared to do that. We’ve said we are very open to painful concessions and compromises if Republicans are as well—and we have put forward serious ideas that reflect this. But these concessions would only be made—and only considered—in the context of a balanced deal that doesn’t just fall on the middle class and most vulnerable Americans—but that requires big corporations and the wealthiest among us to share in the sacrifices.”

No, corporations and wealthy people will not be "sacrificing" anything. They won't even notice it. Corporations are nothing more than a legal construct so they don't have the capacity for "sacrifice." And Paris Hilton will still be able to buy anything she wants.

I'm sorry to keep harping on this, but I'm telling you, they are selling the American people a bill of goods that's so breathlessly cynical I can hardly believe what I'm seeing. The only people in this entire scenario who are going to be "sacrificing" are the most vulnerable people among us. The idea that this is a fair trade is simply obnoxious.

Here's a little reminder of just what a crock this all is:

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