Sunday, November 13, 2011

When You Make Deals With Vicious Fuckers, You Get What You Deserve

But our military men and women did not make this deal, and do not deserve the injury and death it can and probably will cause. The leadbottoms in the Pentagon who do make these deals deserve treason trials. Not to mention China's enablers and protectors in Congress, namely Kentucky Senator and GOP economy-killer-in-chief Mitch McConnell.

Down with Tyranny:

One of my neighbors spends half the year in China examining manufactured goods there for American companies who sell the stuff here, kind of quality control. My neighbor told me that if the manufacturers there can save a penny by putting 11 ball bearings into a gizmo that calls for 12, they'll go for the penny even if they understand it's likely to cause an accident in the vehicle the gizmo is in. It sounds like this mindset is what my neighbor faces every single day for every single minute of work. So if my neighbor has told me this several times, how come no one seems to have told the Pentagon? Or-- more to the point, I suspect, why hasn't the Pentagon paid attention when they were told? Why should the Pentagon care? Good question-- they spend millions of dollars buying defective products from China that endanger our military men and women in the field. Are these people fucking crazy!?!?

China has been dumping counterfeit electronic parts into the Pentagon’s supply chain.

The investigators found that counterfeit or suspect electronic parts were installed or delivered to the military for several weapons systems, including military aircraft such as the Air Force’s C-17 and the Marine Corps’ CH-46 helicopter, as well as the Army’s Theatre High-Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) missile defense system.

Read the whole thing.

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