Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Creates Jobs - and What Doesn't

Don't deny it - you're not going to be able to resist getting into it over turkey with your Paul Ryan-lovin' brother-in-law.

So when he starts in on the tax-cuts-create-jobs bullshit, throw this one at him.

Kevin Drum:

Chuck Marr of CBPP notes that the CBO recently studied a laundry list of job creation proposals and concluded that higher unemployment benefits had the biggest bang for the buck. "That’s not surprising," he says, "given that jobless people are severely cash constrained and would quickly spend most of any incremental increase in cash and that, in turn, would lead to higher demand and job creation."

But which proposal came in last? You'll have to scroll wa-a-a-a-y down to the bottom of this chart to see it, but the answer is: a tax repatriation holiday for big multinational corporations. So riddle me this: What is Congress more likely to pass? A program that benefits the 99% and creates lots of jobs? Or a program that benefits the 1% and creates hardly any jobs at all? Hmmm....

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