Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rich Get Richer and America Gets Poorer

Funny how that works.

Down with Tyranny:

Demands to return to the good old days of Clinton era tax rates are bogus. The 1% had already taken over the government lock, stock and barrel by the time Clinton-- a completely dependable servant of the 1% in every way, much the way Obama is-- became president. The most pronounced social mobility in contemporary American history-- and the greatest thrust at social equality-- came to a peak during the Eisenhower years. Those should be the model for American tax policies. Obama wants to increase the top rate for 1%-ers from 35% to 39.6%. It was 70% under Nixon and a far healthier 91% under Eisenhower. That's when America was winning.

Just as a reminder of how much money we're talking about - and why you, your teabagger brother-in-law and everybody you both know is part of the 99 percent and will never get within sight of the one percent:

From the National Taxpayers Union, one percenters have adjusted gross income per year of more than $343,000.

Here's a cool graph from the New York Times illustrating the extreme distance between the very richest and all the rest of us.

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