Friday, November 11, 2011

Not Just One Day a Year

From VoteVets:

On the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th month, we honor all of America’s veterans. Originally Armistice Day, marking the end of World War I, Veterans day is now a time to honor all those who have served America.

Today isn’t a day for politics, it’s a day to come together to thank those who have served in uniform. If you know a veteran, thank them. If you are a veteran, you have our eternal thanks for your service.

As wonderful as today is, please don’t let it be the only day you honor our veterans. Especially in these times of a tough economy and budget cuts, veterans need our support now more than ever. will be right at the front of those battles. Please encourage your friends and family, today, to join us at

Today, take an extra moment to thank our veterans. But tomorrow and all the rest of the days to come, join us in honoring their service and sacrifice.

Ashwin Madia
Iraq War Veteran
Interim Chairman,

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