Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Bicycle Generators Were the Last Straw

Bloomberg and his Wall Street henchmen were always going to destroy Occupy Wall Street, of course, and their excuses for doing so were limited only by how blatantly they could lie before their tongues flipped right off their rollers.

But I really think what pushed them over the edge was the bicycle generators. Right there in the middle of Manhattan, a block from Wall Street, directly in the faces of the fuckshite Masters of the Universe, Occupiers were living off the grid.

They had all the electricity they needed, and used it to power the very latest in high-tech communication tools - without paying a single penny to a utility company, an oil company or any energy company that holds a knife to the throat of civilization.

OWS beat the motherfuckers right in their own front yard and that could not stand.

I have no idea what's going to happen now. Maybe it will strengthen Occupy in New York and across the nation and the globe. Maybe it will propel Occupy to the next level.

Regardless, I trust Occupiers to make the right decisions. They've won every battle since they started on September 17, and I doubt Mayor FuckShite's little temper tantrum is going to stop them now.

Join your local Occupation today.

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