Friday, October 7, 2011

Tweet for Jobs

Ben "Wire Hangar" Chandler, DINO-KY6, has come out in favor of the American Jobs Act. Either he's suddenly realized he needs the 20,000 Sixth District Democrats who sat home last year and almost cost him re-election, or even Congressional Blue Dogs are starting to rally around our last chance to save the economy.

From Barefoot and Progressive:

A month after President Obama’s Jobs speech and his somewhat tepid expression of support, Democratic Congressman Ben Chandler today released this press release — a refreshing (and Awesome!) development:

“The American people’s top priority is job creation, and strengthening small businesses, rebuilding America and putting people back to work is a crucial part of growing our economy,” Congressman Chandler said. “This legislation is paid for in full and includes elements – the payroll tax credit, rebuilding our schools, a focus on improving infrastructure, and long-term deficit reduction – which I think both sides of the aisle can agree will get our country on the path to economic recovery. There is no time to waste: Congress must act now to create jobs, strengthen our middle class, and expand our economy.”

With even spineless repug-lites like Benny Boy coming out in favor of President Obama's jobs bill, the only obstacle is, as usual, congressional repugs.

And there's only one way to move them.


Until they're convinced that they will be punished more for not supporting the jobs bill, I doubt they will budge an inch. You can give Republicans where you live a Twitter nudge with the Tweet For Jobs page on the Obama '12 site.

Unless you think doing nothing about the jobs situation in this country is okay, that is.

Remember: If you don't ask, you don't get. The squeaky wheel gets the greese. Do it for your grandmother - Tweet For Jobs.

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