Sunday, October 30, 2011

Occupy Your BRAINS Zombie Protest Tonight

From Occupy Lexington:

Calling all ZOMBIES!! We need your help down at Occupy Lexington tomorrow!

The annual Thriller Parade is happening downtown tomorrow, so we are planning an event called Occupy Your BRAINS! to coincide with this wonderful local tradition. Occupy Lexington will be respectfully and courteously interacting with parade attendees before and after the parade.

We will be dressing up as zombies and handing out candy to curious parade watchers. We’ll also engage anyone who expresses interest in Occupy to give them more information about who we are and why we are there.

A few zombie volunteers will be needed to stand on street corners with Occupy Signs. Awesome double extra points for funny zombie protest signs, like “1% of Zombies eat 40% of the BRAINS!!”

Usually around 4,000 people attend this event. The parade starts at 8pm, but be prepared to be there early as people show up well ahead of time to “stake out” a place along the street.

Anyone who wants to help with Occupy Your Brains (today), please come down for Zombie Prep. We’re planning on getting preparations started at noon, but come down whenever you can. We’ll be cleaning the Occupy area, making signs, getting candy bags ready, and of course doing the make-up and costumes.

Yesterday was Occupy Lexington's one month anniversary. It is the third-oldest Occupation in the country, and vying for title of the Coolest.

Zombie Protest! How can you resist?

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