Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Occupation Reaches Louisville

Two Kentucky counties occupied; 118 to go.

From the Courier:

The Louisville demonstrators said they intended to “occupy” the grassy space across Fourth Street from the Kentucky Convention Center indefinitely — 24 hours a day — like their New York City counterparts have done with Zuccotti Park.

Curtis Morrison planned to pull an all-nighter — and more — for the protest, which may relocate at nights to the Belvedere before returning to the space at Jefferson and Fourth this morning. “Congress needs to look at this,” said Morrison, an organizer of the still-organizing demonstration. “They need to make some reforms or there’s going to be a revolution.”

About 140 protesters were present at 2 p.m., but Morrison said the group peaked earlier at roughly 200. The Occupy Louisville protest didn’t have a principal organizer, instead coalescing through word-of-mouth and social media.

Separate groups met at the Belvedere and at Fourth and Jefferson. Within an hour, the Belvedere protesters marched to Fourth and Jefferson, toting signs that said “Stop the War on Workers” and chanting, “The banks got a bailout, we got sold out.”

“I’m here because our federal government has sold us out,” protester Meredith Dooley said, holding a sign. “It’s government of the money, for the money, by the money. I hope people get greater awareness that their government is not representing them. People should be outraged by the inequality of wealth.”

Hillbilly Report has the video.

Join the Occupation in your town.

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