Saturday, October 15, 2011

Gun Nuts Getting Nuttier

Maybe it takes a southern liberal to see this, but isn't it obvious that the reason all the conservatards are crazier than ever is because there's a ni**er in the White House!?

It's especially obvious on guns, as a keystone of Jim Crow was that whites had guns and blacks didn't. It's no coincidence that gun nuttery rose at the same time as civil rights. The more power blacks have, the more guns the racist motherfuckers need. With a ni**er in the White House, the racist motherfuckers' need for guns is infinite.

Kevin Drum:

But here's what I don't understand. As near as I can tell, the gun community has won an all but total victory over the past couple of decades. Democrats have almost universally given up on gun control as a losing issue, there's been no serious action on the federal front for years, and the Supreme Court in 2008 handed down the holy grail of gun rights, ruling in Heller that the Second Amendment guarantees a personal right to bear arms and then ruling a couple of years later in McDonald that this guarantee applies to states and local communities as well as the federal government.

So what's been the reaction? Well Heller and McDonald have spurred a rash of lawsuits as gun groups try to force communities to allow possession of handguns. That's entirely understandable, since this is their core issue. Beyond that, though, instead of basically taking a victory lap, gun groups have gotten ever more bellicose. Wayne LaPierre sounds like an utter lunatic with his talk of secret plans from the White House to take away everyone's guns. Alleged UN plots to ban handguns are on every gun owner's lips. And the latest front is for gun enthusiasts to swagger around with guns on their hips when they go to McDonald's to order an iced latte.
Hell, the leading edge of this movement is demanding the right to take their guns everywhere: bars, schools, courtrooms, you name it. Not because there's any serious danger in any of those places, but just to show they can.

I dunno. Maybe this is just human nature. Maybe victory always makes people eager for more more more. But why don't they just accept their victory and bask in it instead? Get Heller and McDonald enforced around the country and call it a day. None of them cared about carrying guns around in public twenty years ago, after all. And if there's any way to get a sympathetic public to turn against them, demanding the right to have armed posses of obsessive gun enthusiasts marching around in supermarkets and bars and school corridors sure seems like a good way to do it.

Bottom line: you won. Nobody can take your guns away anymore, and once the Heller/McDonald rulings have been fully adjudicated, you'll have broader rights about the kinds of guns you can own than the kind of car you can drive. Enjoy it.

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