Saturday, October 8, 2011

Did Al-Qaeda Fund Ads Promoting David Williams for Governor?

Maybe not, but we'll never know. Thanks to the reichwing majority on the Supreme Court, the group that spent $1.36 million attacking Steve Beshear does not have to reveal where its money came from.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:

An independent political group called Restoring America reported Friday that it has raised and spent $1.365 million in Kentucky’s governor’s race.

The group, which has aired TV and radio ads against Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear and for Republican challenger David Williams, did not list any of its contributors in a report filed with the state Registry of Election Finance.

It simply reported that Restoring America, Inc., of Lexington, Ky., raised $1.365 million on Sept. 26 and spent the same amount on the same date with Strategic Media Placement Inc. of Delaware, Ohio, for “broadcast ads buys for advocacy.”

The report listed the group’s treasurer as Mark Blankenbecler of Powell, Ohio. A call to the phone number listed on the report revealed that his name actually is Mike Blankenbecler. He was not available for comment.

What are these supporters of David Williams hiding? Why won't Williams demand that those supporters reveal themselves? Is he afraid that Kentucky voters would recoil in horror if we knew?

C'mon, Bully of Burkesville: prove you're not taking money from terrorists.

1 comment:

  1. You can view all of these ads and more at
