Monday, October 10, 2011

Brett Guthrie is a Lying Moron, Part 4

Shame on Rep. Guthrie, corporate knob-gobbler of the Second District of Kentucky. And shame on the Bowling Green "Home of Aynrandy Paul" Daily News for publishing his lies unrefuted.

If a farmer walks into U.S. Rep. Brett Guthrie’s office, he or she typically isn’t there to talk about the harvest or the crop, according to Guthrie. Instead, area farmers often want to talk about what they consider overreach from the Environmental Protection Agency.

Name three of these imaginary farmers, motherfucker. I'll bet ten bucks to a nickel you can't tell soybeans from winter wheat.

Guthrie has plenty of anecdotal evidence from stops around Kentucky’s 2nd Congressional District. Business owners, community banks, farmers and manufacturers all have something to say about the over-regulation they claim they feel from Washington, D.C., according to the Bowling Green Republican.

Here's what Kentucky farmers are worried about:
  • progressively deteriorating climate causing extreme weather that either drowns their crops in floods or fries them through drought
  • anti-immigrant crackdowns that leave them without workers to harvest the crops that survive
  • recession and high unemployment that leaves them without customers to buy their crops
  • commodity speculation by Wall Street that distorts the markets in favor of bankers and hurts producers like farmers
  • rapacious developers gobbling up farmland and sending agricultural property taxes soaring beyond farmers' ability to pay

Some relief could be down the road - three bills moving through Washington are trying to weaken the regulations affecting business owners, farmers and manufacturers, according to Guthrie, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

"Weaken" is the right word - all three repug bills would eliminate essential protections of the clean water and air, safe workers and strong infrastructure that farmers and other Kentucky businesses need to survive.

The bills are yet more proof if anyone needed it that repugs like Guthrie care only about make obscenely wealthy bankers and financial speculators even richer.

If Kentucky farmers and small businesses suffer as a consequence, well, thems the break in the lords-and-serfs economy repugs like Guthrie are working so hard to create.

Guthrie said he hoped that when Obama addressed a joint session of Congress last month, he would have put a moratorium on new regulations until after the 2012 election.

“I think people would benefit and the economy would benefit,” Guthrie said. “But (what the president did) is satisfying the people in Beverly Hills, Chicago and Boston, and that’s not going to grow jobs in Kentucky, and that’s my concern.”

The only concern of every single congressional repug is destroying the economy in order to prevent President Obama's re-election.

It's actually easy to figure out what laws, regulations and policies will help the economy and Kentuckians the most: it's the opposite of what repugs like Brett Guthrie propose.

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