Sunday, October 2, 2011

Brett Guthrie is a Lying Moron, Part 3

Also too cowardly to hold town halls in Kentucky's Second District, which he pretends to represent.

Still sending out emails full of motherfucking lies that his constituents have no chance to challenge him on.

Clearly, a Balanced Budget Amendment is long-overdue. We cannot continue to recklessly spend today so that our children and grandchildren can pick-up the bill tomorrow. Every child born today already owes more than $46,000 to our government’s creditors.

It’s time to stop spending money we don’t have. A constitutional mandate to pass a balanced budget every year would force Congress to only spend what it takes in. No more borrowing from China; no more taxing future generations, just common-sense fiscal policy to permanently change the culture of spending in Washington. Families across Kentucky know how to live within their means; it’s time their government does too.

Steve Benen demolished the balance budget amendment bullshit on Monday:

Those who continue to argue that House Republicans deserve to be taken seriously on public policy probably don’t fully appreciate how very wrong they are.

We’re in the midst of a jobs crisis; economic growth is anemic, and Americans are desperate for policymakers to take this crisis seriously. And yet, this is what’s on the mind of the congressional GOP.

Keep in mind, in early August, House Republican leaders told their members that “the best thing they could do during the August recess” was to sell their constituents on the idea of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. Apparently, the next wave is on the way.

This is just madness. Even if we put aside the fact that there are real problems that require immediate attention, and even if we ignore the proposal’s legislative prospects, the Republicans’ Balanced Budget Amendment is one of the worst ideas in the history of bad ideas. That congressional Republicans managed to create a BBA this year that was even worse than the previous version is a testament to their creativity, but it also reflects a degree of economic illiteracy that should disqualify them from any adult conversation on public policy.

What sensible policymakers should be doing is dismissing this “pathetic joke” of a proposal as quickly as possible.

That this is at the top of the priority list for congressional Republicans is a reminder of just how far gone they really are.

Guthrie concludes:

You can show your support for a balanced budget amendment by visiting or and submitting your thoughts.

Yes, do visit and let him know what a lying moron he is.

1 comment:

  1. I took Brett to task on his approval of borrowing 700 billion dollars from China to extend the tax cuts for the top 2% of income earners during my campaign.
    How does this balance our budget, how does this reduce our deficit?
    You know Brett spent over $950,000 to pulverize me last year during the election (comapred to my spending just $8,200).., and they call him a conservative?
