Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Basketball and Politics

When they say that UK Wildcat Basketball is a religion in Kentucky, they are grossly understating the case. The only pasttime more popular than following the Cats is following local politics.

Bluegrass Treasure Ronnie Cottonpants blends the two in a brilliant analysis of UK's demand for a brand-new B-ball palace.

He concludes:

The debate thus far has been do you love Kentucky Basketball or do you love decaying buildings? That sounds like what Billy Gilespie would call “a bad question.” (Hey Billy G: You are the only person who has made both Kentucky basketball and excessive drinking not fun: Good work. I hate you and I hate your fucking toad face. Die. I don’t like incompetent, smirking Texans, whether they coach my favorite team, or are president of one of my 10 favorite countries).

We have what we need. We have a kick-ass team about to do something in the art of basketball you have never seen before. We don’t need a new basketball stadium. We don’t need a basketball team. More than that, we’ve been burnt before, and we’re chumps if we spend money we don’t have on a redevelopment project we don’t need in the blind hope that maybe, maybe, maybe it will improve the product. So let’s save our money, and not be chumps.

There is, however, one piece of basketball-related redecoration we should do. In fact, I plan on doing it personally even though it will cost the city some money. I plan on tearing down the Woodland and Euclid street sign in our post-Championship riot. Try and stop me. You won’t. You’ve been warned.

Read the whole wonderful thing.

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