Sunday, October 2, 2011

American Police State Finds New Ways to Suppress Dissent

The asshole-with-pepper-spray ploy backfired on the NYPD, so now they're trying old-fashioned herding them into a no-escape zone and arrest them all on bogus charges.

Susie Madrak at Crooks and Liars:

From the descriptions of the people who were there, it sounds as though Mayor Bloomberg's strategy is to thin the ranks of protesters with set-ups like this. The Powers That Be don't understand how many more people are waiting in line to support the Occupy Wall Street actions:

Police reopened the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday evening after more than 500 anti-Wall Street protesters were arrested for blocking traffic lanes and attempting an unauthorized march across the span.

The arrests took place when a large group of marchers, participating in a second week of protests by the Occupy Wall Street movement, broke off from others on the bridge's pedestrian walkway and headed across the Brooklyn-bound lanes.


Witnesses described a chaotic scene on the famous suspension bridge as a sea of police officers surrounded the protesters using orange mesh netting.

Some protesters tried to get away as officers started handcuffing members of the group. Dozens of protesters were seen handcuffed and sitting on the span as three buses were called in to take them away, witnesses and organizers said.

The NY Times interviewed protesters who said, despite NYPD claims, the police never warned them they couldn't walk in the roadway.

How long before Mikey's cops resort to lethal violence?

Occupy protests have spread to Chicago, Boston and San Francisco, where the cops are taking their cues from New York.

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