Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stop Enabling Repug Temper Tantrums

Shit-flinging monkeys, that's all the repugs are. Gibbering monkeys flinging shit.

Bon the Geek at Zandar Versus the Stupid:

The Massachusetts Republican Party is taking issue with Democrat Elizabeth Warren getting paid by Harvard University as she campaigns for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Scott Brown.

The Boston Globe reported that the GOP has asked Harvard to stop paying the law professor's salary, suggesting that doing so gives the impression that the Ivy League institution supports her candidacy.

So what, she can't be paid for doing her job? The article makes it clear that she has duties that she fufills, both in and out of the classroom. Mind you, they can't show that she has violated any policies, nor have they tried to prove any wrongdoing. They have just asked that they stop paying her. The people who "grasp America's job situation better than Dems" don't seem to understand that she can hold a job while she campaigns. And that it's legal. Or maybe they do and are just trying a dirty blow, already angered that she isn't home barefoot and pregnant, dependent on her man for sustenance.

Jackass times infinity. A jackass so large that it has its own gravitational force, creating a jackass of such mass that no light or intelligence can escape its pull.

The real goal here is to make liberals spend time, money and effort dealing with a fake issue and thus end up looking pathetic and stupid, while the screaming babies move on to the next fake issue. From now on, either ignore them completely, or slap them down hard and give them something real to cry about.

Kevin Drum:

Mark Jacobson notes that the Ground Zero Mosque opened yesterday and....nothing happened. No protests, no Fox News cameras, not even so much as an outraged blog post from Pamela Geller:

Standing there, two blocks away from the crews working on the Freedom Tower, it left you wondering what all that business last year was truly about. Was it because finally, after nine years of shock, we had a concrete issue to focus all those pent up 9/11 feelings on? Was it just last year’s version of the Casey Anthony story? Standing amid those pictures of children who managed to smile no matter the odds against them, it was hard to imagine there was ever a problem at all.

I'm hoping this is a rhetorical question, because, I mean, come on. We all know what this was about, don't we? The mosque was introduced to the public in December 2009, Pamela Geller shrieked about it, and no one cared. In May 2010 the project was approved, Pamela Geller shrieked about it, and no one cared. A week later, a New York Post columnist wrote a piece called "Mosque Madness at Ground Zero," Pamela Geller continued shrieking about it, and —

And suddenly Rupert Murdoch's other New York-based news operation took notice. After all, there was an election coming in November, and what better way to rally the troops? It was just one more log for Fox to toss onto its Bonfire of Xenophobia last summer. As I said in August:

You'd have to literally be blind not to notice that the Fox/Rush/Drudge axis has been pushing racial hot buttons with abandon all summer. There's all the stuff Hitchens mentions [Arizona's immigration law, the Ground Zero mosque, and the anchor baby fracas], and you can add to that the Shirley Sherrod affair, the continuing salience of the birther conspiracy theories, the New Black Panthers, and Beck's obsession with Barack Obama's supposed sympathy with "liberation theology." Are we supposed to simply pretend that it's just a coincidence that virtually every week brings another new faux controversy that just happens to appeal to the widespread, inchoate fear of a non-white country that Hitchens writes about?

Anyway, that's all it was about. It was a convenient foil for Fox News during a long, hot, pre-election summer. Now that the election is over, they don't care anymore.

But they do care about making liberals run ourselves ragged chasing after flung shit all day, every day.

Here's how to respond: "Bullshit. Fuck you. Next."

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