Saturday, September 17, 2011

Parliament Is Not Amused

The British know from terrorism. They've been fighting it at home for going on a century now.

I'm part Irish and have a soft spot in my heart for the Irish Republican Army, vicious terrorists though I know them to be. But I've never given them money, never promoted their cause, even in private, much less with the full-throated public support Rep. Peter King has given them for decades.

King is free to do that here, in the U.S. Our government long resisted the entreaties of the British to name the IRA a terrorist group and treat their supporters accordingly. King was safe from British ire, as long as he stayed on this side of the pond.

But in addition to being a hypocritical bigot, King is a moron. He accepted an invitation to testify - on terrorism! - before the British Parliament, the first member of Congress to do so.

It didn't go well.

“Representative Peter T. King testified about terrorism on Tuesday before a legislative committee, but the committee was in London, not Washington, and the New York Republican found himself the uncomfortable object of tough questioning. In a hearing on ‘Roots of Violent Radicalization,’ Mr. King was asked about his own past support for the Irish Republican Army.”

Too bad they didn't arrest the fucker. A few years in the Tower staring down at the chopping block would do him a world of good.

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