Thursday, September 8, 2011

Death By Failure to Learn

At some point, surely, we have to stop taking direction from the people who have been wrong on the economy at every single crisis point for the last 40 years. Whether that point will come too late remains to be seen.

Looks like the cratering economies in Europe caused by austerity hysteria are still not enough to persuade neoliberals to blame the real culprits: predatory banks, criminal corporations and the parasitic rich.

David Atkins "thereisnospoon" at Hullabaloo:

Oh right. It's the fault of the labor unions. The same labor unions that have served the Spanish middle class very well for decades. They clearly had a lot to do with the real estate bubble.

Seems like no matter which door you peek behind, a neoliberal is behind it with a wrong answer. And when they're called on being wrong, there's another neoliberal waiting behind the next door with another wrong answer. In fact, there's an endless string of stupid and/or corrupt business school graduates waiting to tell us that the banking sector crisis is the fault of social security, labor unions, universal healthcare, strange swarthy Greeks, individual deadbeat homeowners, welfare queens driving Cadillacs, the Environmental Protection Agency, and anyone and anything else they care to dream up. Anyone, of course, but the banks, business school grads and Milton Friedman acolytes who drove this car straight in the ditch and refuse to take any responsibility for having been right behind the wheel the whole time.

Liberals - who are the opposite of "neoliberals" - listen to the economic voices who have been proven right in the past.

Liberals know who is to blame for our economic catastrophe: the same ones who have been responsible for every economic crisis for 200 years.

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