Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Congressional Repugs Hate the Environmental Even More Than Polluters Do

As with everything congressional repugs do, there is no rational explanation for this. Not even the most extreme corporatism accounts for it. Just brainless, knee-jerk "Liberals like? Must kill!"

Kevin Drum:

Here's a handy tool from the redoubtable Henry Waxman: a searchable database of Republican votes to dismantle environmental protections in the current session of Congress. Just in its first six months! And it doesn't even count the growing popularity of calls from GOP presidential candidates to simply eliminate the EPA lock, stock, and barrel. (Excuse me: the "job-killing EPA." Precise terminology is important here.)

Anyway, it's handy stuff if you want to know with precision just how deeply Republicans are committed to undermining the environment in the service of their corporate interests. You can search by agency, by topic, or by legislation. The full database is here. Have fun.

Liberals know that environmental laws and regulations are pure self-protection. Without them, we all die.

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