Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brett Guthrie is a Lying Moron, Part 2

Yep, he's done it again. Sent out a "constituent email" chock-full of lies, stupidity and insanity.

"Get Our Economy Moving Again" reads:

Unfortunately, I am concerned that the president’s proposals follow the previous pattern of borrowing and spending.

The only thing wrong with President Obama's American Jobs Act is that it's about one-tenth the size it needs to be.

We have learned we cannot create a growing economy by spending more money in Washington and creating uncertainty for job creators.

Lies and stupidity. The evidence of the last 78 years is that the only thing that creates a growing economy is government spending.

Assuming that Kentucky's Second District's Only Congress Critter mendaciously means "corporate fat cats" when he says "job creators," it was just a month ago that Wall Street sent a clear message to congressional repugs: stop fucking around and start hiring people.

Our jobs agenda must be centered on supporting our nation’s small businesses and removing the burdensome regulations coming out of Washington that are impeding growth, employment and prosperity.

More lies and stupidity. Actual small business owners overwhelmingly say government regulations are neither burdensome nor an obstacle to hiring. The biggest obstacle to hiring is that their customers have no money to spend. Because they have no jobs. Because governments are laying people off rather than hiring them.

Over the recent August district work period I heard the same sentiment from small business owners, manufacturers and farmers across Kentucky.

Lying coward. Guthrie did not hold one single public meeting with his constituents this summer. That's because he knows the Second District's "small business owners, manufacturers and farmers" want taxes raised on rich people and corporations to pay for massive infrastructure projects that put millions of Americans back to work.

I support a plan to get our economy moving again. The proposal, put forward by House Republicans, addresses a number of regulatory burdens that have stifled job growth. We must get the government out of the way of job creation by reigning in the overeager regulations coming out of the EPA, the Obama health care law and Dodd-Frank financial reform that have our economy hanging in uncertainty.

Motherfucking lies. The "plan" Guthrie supports will kill any chance of economic recovery. Again, regulations are not preventing a single job. Government does not "get in the way of job creation;" government creates jobs through deficit spending. It has done so successfully for 73 years. Until Guthrie and his fellow assholes started obstructing everything President Obama does.

The Affordable Care Act is, in fact, already saving lives and lowering health care costs. The Dodd-Frank financial reform falls far short of what is needed to fix what's wrong with Wall Street and the banks, but because it doesn't regulate them enough.

By flipping off the switch on the federal regulatory factory we can restore certainty to our economy and foster the climate of prosperity that employers need to hire and grow their businesses.

Crazier than a shithouse rat. It was severe lack of financial industry regulations (repealing Glass-Steagall) that led directly to the 2008 economic disaster, and only President Obama's February 2009 stimulus kept the recession from becoming a full-blown Depression.

Here are fact-based charts to prove it.

During his speech, the president said any ideas should be put forward. I have voted in favor of dozens pro-growth measures designed to create jobs.

Guthrie has voted for dozens of bug-fuck insane repug plans to eliminate the middle class and turn America into a lords-and-serfs economy.

I hope we can work to find common ground to restore America’s competitive edge.

Unless you are voting in favor of President Obama's American Jobs Act, you motherfucking liar, that is the worst lie of all.

As always, please contact me with any questions or your thoughts on how we can create jobs and get our economy back on track.

And there's a poll!

What do you think is the most important priority to spur economic growth?

Stop overreaching federal regulations

Reduce the tax burden on small businesses

Achieve energy independence

Cut federal spending and reduce the federal debt


The only thing on that list that would actually "spur economic growth" is "achieve energy independence." But of course Guthrie doesn't mean curing our addition to fossil fuels, which is the only path to true "energy independence." No, he means leveling every last mountain in Kentucky for planet-killing coal.

But we won't live to see civilization drowned and burnt, because Guthrie's plan to "cut federal spending and reduce the federal debt" will ensure we all die of the poverty first.

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