Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Yarmuth, Davis Voted Against Debt Ceiling Bill

Kentucky's House delegation react to last night's vote to burn the U.S. economic house to the ground in order to make an insurance payment.

From the Courier:

“Tonight's vote is a good start. Now we need to turn our attention to job creation. …” --REP. ED WHITFIELD, R-Ky., 1st District, who voted yes

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! District One Democrats, here's your 2012 campaign slogan: "Day (fill in number) since Ed Whitfield lied about creating jobs."

“We were able to produce a real solution … that puts our nation back on the path toward fiscal responsibility.” -- REP. BRETT GUTHRIE, R-Ky., 2nd District, who voted yes

Yes, Brett Guthrie is still a lying moron.

“This plan asks nothing of the wealthy few and will inevitably lead to cuts in Medicare, education and the investments we need to … get our economy back on track.” -- REP. JOHN YARMUTH, D-Ky., 3rd District, who voted no

I worried about Congressman Awesome because he did not sign the Progressive Caucus' letter asking President Obama to invoke the 14th Amendment. I should have known better.

“I have concerns about the method by which cuts would take place if the Joint Select Committee did not work as intended.” -- REP. GEOFF DAVIS, R-Ky., 4th District, who voted no

In other words, Geoffy won't be satisfied until the entire national budget consists of nothing but tax cuts for rich people, sweetheart contracts to Blackwater and other mercenaries, and massive subsidies for criminal corporations.

“This bill makes a large down payment on our nation's financial future.” -- REP. HAL ROGERS, R-Ky., 5th District, who voted yes

That future being a lords-and-serfs economy that makes Somalia seem prosperous and civilized.

“This bipartisan compromise reduces our nation's deficit, cuts federal spending and helps our country avoid a catastrophic economic default.” -- REP. BEN CHANDLER, D-Ky., 6th District, who voted yes

Wrong, wrong and wrong. A three-fer!

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