Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Win or Lose, Wisconsin Recalls Are Already a Victory for Liberals

Polls in Wisconsin are closing right now, and we'll know soon how many Koch-sucking repug state senators Wisconsin liberals have defeated.

But just by getting us to tonight, they have already won something much bigger and more important.

Steve Benen:

Regardless of the outcome, the fact that these recall elections are even occurring is pretty damn impressive. As Greg Sargent noted this morning, “Wisconsin Dems and labor have already succeeded in one sense: They reminded us that it’s possible to build a grass roots movement by effectively utilizing the sort of unabashed and bare-knuckled class-based populism that makes many of today’s national Dems queasy. Their effort — whether or not they take back the state senate — could provide a model for a more aggressive, populist approach for national Dems in 2012.”

I like it better as a model for similar local efforts. That's where we have to start.

You bet your fucking ass we can.

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