Friday, August 12, 2011

Teabagger manager leaves Williams' campaign

I'm going to guess that Marchant wanted Williams to go full teabagger in the campaign, telling Kentuckians he's going to shut down state government the way Rick Scott in Florida, Scott Walker in Wisconsin and others have done.

Williams, who certainly plans to do just exactly that, is not stupid. He knows that for all of our complaining about state government, Kentuckians cherish the public services state government provides. We'll never vote for someone who actually admits he's going to take those away.

So, the 'bagger departs. Jack Brammer at the Herald:

The campaign manager for Republican gubernatorial hopeful David Williams has left the campaign, its chairman confirmed Thursday.

Luke Marchant, a political consultant with strong ties to the Tea Party movement, is leaving to pursue other opportunities, said former state Adjutant General Donald Storm, the chairman of the campaign.

Marchant, who was hired by the Williams' campaign after the May primary, previously was political director for Marco Rubio's successful U.S. Senate race last year in Florida.

Storm's statement said there were no other changes in the campaign staff, despite rumors in Frankfort that the campaign had a top-to-bottom shake-up. Recent polls have shown Williams trailing Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear by a wide margin.

Remember: Marchant's departure doesn't mean Williams has had a change of heart about putting Frankfort to the torch; he's just not willing to tell the truth about it.

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