Sunday, August 21, 2011

Serfing USA

I take it back. Wall Street and the repugs are not trying to create a lords-and-serfs economy. They've already succeeded.

Tina Dupuy at Crooks and Liars:

Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour.

Making Sen$e correspondent Paul Solman reports on the extreme inequality in the U.S. It's now on par with African dictatorships. In a telling moment after interviewing a recent immigrant from Haiti, where she says the American Dream isn't something she feels she'll ever have, Solman says, "The U.S. looks unequal to a Haitian?"

He then looks into a recent study about wealth in the U.S. "The first constant finding," Solman says. "Most Americans don't realize how unequal our country really is."

Yay for non-profit media.

Read Down with Tyranny on how austerity is driving riots worldwide.

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