Sunday, August 28, 2011

No Free Speech for You

This story illustrates so much about the fundamental anti-Americanism of the modern republican party.


Lights, Cameras, Fascism!

And right here in Cincy, too. Turns out west side Cincy's Congressman, Republican Steve Chabot, isn't a real big fan of having constituents bring cameras to town hall meetings if those constituents are Democrats, that is.

Monday night, at a “town hall” meeting in North Avondale featuring U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot, video cameras owned by two Democratic activists were seized by a Cincinnati police officer at the direction of Chabot’s staff.

A Chabot spokesman said the had the cameras seized “to protect the privacy of constituents” at the event, although there were at least two media outlets at the North Avondale Recreation Center filming the meeting.

Tim Burke, the chairman of the Hamilton County Democratic Party, has written a letter to Cincinnati City Solicitor John Curp asking for an explanation of “the legal basis for the seizure and the enforcement by Cincinnati police of rules created by the Congressman.”

Signs were taped to the doors to the hall where the Monday night meeting was held saying that no video cameras were allowed inside.

Which again is odd, because two local TV stations were at the town hall meeting, filming it. In fact, they filmed the police officer confiscating the devices.

Oh, it gets better. Chabot spokesman Jamie Schwartz had this steaming load to deliver:

Schwartz said that sometimes at the town hall meetings, citizens ask questions about their own personal situations and the Chabot staff did not want them videotaped. The media cameras were allowed to continue to roll, Schwartz said, “because they can be expected to respect people’s privacy.”

Right. Because the media wouldn't have, you know, broadcast any of the questions being asked or any of the footage they were filming. Jesus wept. Best part?

But, at this meeting, as at other recent Chabot town hall events, participants were required to sign in as they entered and write out questions for the congressman. Members of the staff chose which questions he answered at Monday’s meeting.

Only approved questions will be answered, citizen. Remain seated and no cameras or you will be dealt with. Liberty and freedom and stuff!

But it turns out Chabot isn't a complete moron, either.

By the time Chabot holds his next town hall meeting at Westwood Town Hall Monday, Schwartz said, the rules will have changed. People will be allowed to ask questions of the congressman directly and cameras will not be seized.

Should be much more lively of a meeting...and I hope Cincinnati has plenty to say to Mr. Chabot, right to his face. Hey, but Tea Party folks are still allowed to say whatever they want to Democrats, right?

The arrogance, the privilege, the denial of constitutional and civil rights to everyone who is not them. If the teabaggers' beloved Founders were actually around to witness these fuckers, they'd all say the same thing: "Why did we sacrifice so much to rid ourselves of King George if you're just going to bring him back?"


  1. Betty Spaghetti,
    You Are such a hypocrite! We value the First Amendment to the US Constitution And yet you will not approve the posting of the first portion of my reply to your post regarding the Confederate Memorials that Seem to embarrass you. Shame on You! If you were progressive you would allow UNinhibited Expression from the readership upon your blog. IF you Disprove my argument that you are a repressive tyrant who wishes to Only "prove her case" then Ironically your blog will indeed be progressive. Please Suppress My Comments.

  2. Betty Spaghetti,
    You Are such a hypocrite! We value the First Amendment to the US Constitution And yet you will not approve the posting of the first portion of my reply to your post regarding the Confederate Memorials that Seem to embarrass you. Shame on You! If you were progressive you would allow UNinhibited Expression from the readership upon your blog. IF you Disprove my argument that you are a repressive tyrant who wishes to Only "prove her case" then Ironically your blog will indeed be progressive. Please Suppress My Comments.

  3. AlexRobertHarrington:

    1) I am not Betty Spaghetti; I cited and quoted her post at Barefoot and Progressive, as I made clear in my post.

    2) You are commenting on the wrong post.

    3) Trying googling "reading comprehension."
