Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Failure Agenda

President Obama and most Congressional Democrats agreed to destroy the postwar Liberal Prosperity because they accepted the repug Big Economic Lies about taxes, jobs, business and deficits.

Yesterday, TPM published a piece claiming "despite debt deal antics Obama not giving up on his agenda."

Let's take a closer look at that "agenda:"

Even though the final debt deal, which passed the House Monday and the Senate Tuesday, did not include revenue increases, a top Democratic priority, Obama pledged to continue fighting for "shared sacrifice" when the special joint committee takes up the issue of finding more costs savings in the fall.

This is stamping on a spark when the whole town is burning to the ground. The only thing that can save this economy from permanent decline is $10 trillion of job-creating investment in infrastructure - transportation, communication, renewable energy, clean water, schools, affordable housing. A good chunk of that $10 trillion is sitting there under the fat asses of the parasitic obscenely wealthy. The rest must be borrowed, but at basement interest rates that will be easily paid off by the economic growth from millions of new jobs.

"Yes, that means making some adjustments to protect health care programs like medicare so they're there for future generations," Obama said. "It also means reforming our tax code so that the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations pay their fair share. And it means getting rid of taxpayer subsidies to oil and gas companies and tax loopholes that help billionaires pay a lower tax rate than teachers and nurses."

The only "adjustment" that will help instead of hurt Medicare is Medicare For All. Once tens of millions of healthy adults are paying into the system, it becomes self-sustaining forever. Just like Social Security, once the income cap is lifted.

Obama thanked the American people for their patience and apologized for the gridlock and brinksmanship on vivid display throughout the last months in Washington. The deal prevents the country from defaulting on its debts, which could have shaken an already fragile economy.

Lies. There was no "gridlock and brinksmanship" over the debt ceiling. There was kabuki theater over a manufactured non-crisis, culminating in the despicable manipulation of Congresswoman Giffords to distract people from the economic rape taking place on the House floor.

In the next few months, Washington must focus its efforts on growing the economy and creating jobs.

If only hadn't just flushed down the toilet all the money needed to grow the economy and create jobs. How convenient. "Gee, we'd really love to invest in the economy and restore the 10 million good middle-class jobs Wall Street destroyed, but the cupboard's empty! We tried!" Motherfucking liars.

"In the coming months, I will continue also to fight for what the American people care most about: new jobs, higher wages, and faster economic growth," Obama said. "While Washington has been absorbed in this debate about deficits, people across the country are asking: what can we do to help the father looking for work? What are we going to do for the single mom who has seen her hours cut back at the hospital? What are we going to do to make it easier for businesses to put up that now hiring sign?"

"Continue?" You never started to fight. Or rather, you fought valiantly against new jobs, higher wages and faster economic growth. You signing the "Lords and Serfs Economy" bill guaranteed that father will never find work, the single mom will have plenty of time for her children when the hospital shuts down, and no businesses will be hiring.

"So voters may have chosen divided government, but they sure didn't vote for dysfunctional government," he added. "They want us to solve problems. They want us to get this economy growing and adding jobs."

Voters said, loudly and clearly, in poll after poll after poll that they want the rich to pay much higher taxes and that their first concern is jobs, not the deficit. Even those concerned about the deficit thought wrongly that lowering the deficit would create jobs. The truth, of course, is the opposite. But you never told them that. You repeated the repug lies. Over and over and over again.

While deficit reduction is part of the agenda in Washington, it is not the entire agenda, Obama said. When congress returns from recess, Obama said he will urge lawmakers to take some immediate steps to boost the economy and create jobs, extend tax cuts for middle class families and unemployment benefits for those out of work.

When you suck $2 trillion out of an economy in recession, you guarantee that deficit reduction is the only agenda. The more you cut spending, the deeper the economy sinks into recession, the greater the deficit grows. It's a permanent death spiral. That's your legacy, Mr. President.

As I've written before, I oppose liberals primarying Obama or defecting to a third party. As much damage as Obama has caused, it is nothing compared to what a repug president will do, with or without a repug congress. The Smirky/Darth Interregnum will seem like Camelot in comparison.

It's up to liberals to save the nation by restoring the New Deal/Great Society Prosperity. And that means starting on ground level with yourself and your neighbors.

Reject the deficit/austerity hysterics. Demand Reagan-era tax rates for the rich, and trillions to create new jobs. Call out the motherfucking liars for lying about fucking their mothers.

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