Friday, August 5, 2011

The Danger of Dumb Bankers

More than 20 years ago, Molly Ivins wrote this about the late, great Henry B. Gonzales, then-chair of the House Banking Committee:

"Henry B. understands that bankers have hearts the size of carroway seeds, and bankers as a group are dumb."

Nothing's changed, except that both Molly and Henry B. are dead, and the bankers they both saw through are astronomically richer and more powerful - and wreaking far more havoc.

David Atkins (thereisnospoon) at Hullabaloo:

Basically, these folks are way overcompensated, provide little or no value to the real economy, are ruining the country's ability to govern and even harming the ability of their own precious markets to remain healthy. Most of all, while they may have great number-crunching skills and domineering social intelligences, they're really, really stupid when it comes to seeing the big picture consequences of their actions, which is ultimately the most important kind of intelligence there is.

Read the whole thing.

Liberals don't put the fate of the nation and the world in the hands of people who know nothing but blind greed.

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