Thursday, August 11, 2011

AnyRand Paul Lies Nonstop at First Town Hall

AynRand Paul represents four million Kentuckians, most of them clustered in six major metropolitan areas. But little randie wants nothing to do with the Commonwealth's urban - and somewhat dusky - majority.

For his first town hall since being elected to the U.S. Senate, he chose the tiny - and pale - western Kentucky hamlet of Hartford, where even the Democrats are too well-bred and polite to call him out for the lying motherfucker he is.

Jack Brammer at The Herald:

A tough question from the audience came from Krystal Cox, 31, of Jefferson County, who has family in Ohio County.

She said she had surgery in May for kidney cancer and finally would get insurance in 2014 under the federal health care changes critics have dubbed “Obamacare.”

“Why should it be repealed?” she asked Paul, who had said it is too costly.

Paul said pre-existing health conditions and insurance portability have been problems that could be retained in health care changes.

But Paul doesn't want to "change" the ACA - he and the rest of the repugs want it repealed, leaving Krystal Cox bankrupt, homeless and cancer-ridden.

But he said the plan backed by Obama “went too far” by creating a new entitlement program when there is not enough money to take care of programs already in effect.

Wrong. The ACA did not go far enough in that it failed to expand Medicare to everyone.

Paul is lying about there not being enough money - there is more than enough money for all entitlements and much more in the mountains of cash stolen by obscenely wealthy individuals and corporations.

Paul also said he thinks every person on Medicare should be placed on the health care plan members of Congress enjoy. That would mean similar out-of-pocket expenses for the patients but less cost for taxpayers.

More lies. Medicare has lower costs than any health care plan in the nation, including the Congressional plan. Paul's idea would vastly increase costs for both recipients and the taxpayers.

Read the whole ridiculous thing.

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