Monday, July 4, 2011

She's a Slut, So She Wasn't Raped

jesusfuckingchocoloatechristonapogostick, are we back to the dark ages on rape?

For most of this country's history, a white man could not be prosecuted for, much less convicted of rape because of the rape Catch-22: "good girls" can't be raped because they're good girls, and sluts can't be raped because they're sluts.

(Non-white men, of course, were not prosecuted for rape (aka "looking a white woman in the face") because they were just castrated and hanged on the spot.)

It took decades of courageous testimony by women in hostile court settings to finally establish rape shield laws that banned the use of a victim's previous sexual history, and even longer to make cops and prosecutors understand that even in a date setting, no means no.

All that struggle is now for nothing, because New York has proven that if you're a rich, well-known white guy who forces a non-white immigrant housekeeper to suck your dick, you can walk because if she has a bad reputation it's not rape.

Wonkette nails it:

One of our best and most freedom-loving American rules says that rape is only a crime when it happens to good people. And since it apparently turns out that the hotel housekeeper who accused noted sleazeball Dominique Strauss-Kahn of raping her is one of the Bad People, a judge freed the former IMF chief from house arrest without bail today. “She hangs out with drug dealers” was the reasoning, or whatever it is that makes poor immigrants horrible monsters worthy of the abuse of the powerful.

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