Friday, July 15, 2011

Guilty of Homicidal Stupidity

Yeah, when we're scared and confused and don't know what the fuck is happening, we always reach for a loaded gun and fire blindly.

From the Courier-Journal:

Michael Bishop told police he was “scared and confused” when he heard a noise outside his home on June 13, grabbing a shotgun as he ran to the door, hoping only to scare away what he thought was a burglar.

But Bishop said he didn’t realize the weapon had a shell in the chamber and it accidently went off, as he watched shadowy figures flee into the streets in his Glenmary neighborhood in southeast Jefferson County.

“I had no idea who it was or how old they were,” Bishop told Louisville Metro Police on June 14, according to a recording of the 14-minute interview released Wednesday. “The gun went off … but it was an accident.”

Bishop said he was “shocked and upset at myself for leaving a shell" in the gun but he had no idea 12-year-old Jacob Eberle was struck in the back, so he went back inside, put his gun away and went to sleep before being awakened by police.

Liberals know that knee-jerk gun worship leads to sloppy, stupid use of deadly weapons. Liberals know that registration and common-sense controls make gun ownership strong, not stupid.

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