Sunday, July 31, 2011

Does Beshear Have Enough Time to Blow a 24-point Lead?

You betcha.

The Courier:

Gov. Steve Beshear holds a commanding 24-point lead over his challenger, Senate President David Williams, in Kentucky's governor's race, according to the latest Courier-Journal/WHAS11 Bluegrass Poll.

The poll found that Beshear leads Williams 52 percent to 28 percent and that the incumbent governor is ahead in all but three demographic areas. Independent Gatewood Galbraith is a distant third with 9 percent of the vote.

Conducted by SurveyUSA, the poll is based on computerized and live telephone interviews carried out from July 22– to 27. It includes the responses of 512 likely voters in the Nov. 8 governor's race and has a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points.

Among Williams' problems, the poll found that more than a third of the voters don't like him, while Beshear remains in good standing with nearly half of the voters despite a sluggish economy.

The campaign of the most hated man in Kentucky brings the funny:

The Williams campaign expressed optimism that as voters learn more about Beshear and his record, they will turn to Williams.

“Beshear has a terrible record on jobs. He and (his running mate Jerry Abramson) are not pro-life,” said Williams campaign manager Luke Marchant. “They both openly endorse Obama's dramatically unpopular health care plan and war on Kentucky coal.”

Repugs have spent so many decades exploiting Kentucky's poor and the coal industry, they haven't noticed that the poor are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act and the coal industry employs a tiny fraction of the people it employed just 20 years ago.

Beshear can still lose this one if he maintains his more-conservatard-than-thou campaign, and if this poll doesn't make the repug big money boys write Williams off.

Fancy Farm is next Saturday. We'll see who can keep standing in the heat, humidity and crowd abuse.

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