Sunday, July 3, 2011

Creating Good Little Corporate Drones

Not only are corporations buying up all commercial space to promote their destructive propaganda, but the cowardly criminals are hiding behind a trusted education name to brainwash your children to be good corporate drones.

Let's say you're the CEO of McDonald's. You know kids love to eat your food, but their pesky teachers keep telling them it's not healthy. Don't worry! You have options.

Scholastic (the company that publishes tons of children's books) has a program where companies like McDonald's, the American Coal Foundation, and SunnyD can pay to have teachers teach kids about their products to create "brand awareness" and "consumer loyalty."

It's called Scholastic InSchool Marketing –– and it has nothing to do with education.

Here's how the program works: A corporation gives Scholastic a pile of money. In turn, Scholastic creates a curriculum designed to further "client interests," cleverly masked as actual learning opportunities for students. (For example, Scholastic sometimes says these materials will help improve students' scores on standardized tests.)

According to Scholastic, this program reaches more than 66,000 classrooms.

Some terrific groups (including the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and Rethinking Schools) are fighting hard to end Scholastic InSchool Marketing. This week, they had a big win when Scholastic agreed to stop selling its "United States of Energy" curriculum (paid for by the American Coal Foundation) which teaches 4th graders about the benefits of coal while hiding all the risks to public health.
Momentum is on their side. Now it's time to stop this practice for good.

Sign the petition today to tell Scholastic to end its insidious InSchool Marketing division:

Thanks for taking action,
- Patrick and the team

Keep in mind that because this "marketing" takes place on school property, during school hours, taking up class time and teacher time, your tax dollars are paying for corporations to lie to your children.

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