Thursday, June 30, 2011

North Carolina Voters on a Winning Streak

First they gave the win to Barack Obama in 2008, turning that landslide insult to the GOP into power-breaking injury.

Then they elected Democratic governor Bev Purdue, who is giving her repug legislature the back of her hand.

From TPM:

Gov. Bev Perdue (D-NC) on Monday vetoed a bill that would have required women seeking abortions to wait for 24 hours and receive ultrasound images of the fetus along with descriptions of what they are seeing before having the procedure.
"This bill is a dangerous intrusion into the confidential relationship that exists between women and their doctors. The bill contains provisions that are the most extreme in the nation in terms of interfering with that relationship," Perdue said in a statement to the Raleigh News & Observer.

The Woman's Right to Know Act passed the state House by a vote of 71-48 last month and the Senate by a vote of 29-20 earlier in June. Both chambers were one vote short of the three-fifths majority needed to override the governor's veto.

The legislation makes North Carolina one of several states this year with Republican majorities seeking to restrict access to abortions.


Recent legislation that erodes the number of performed abortions without a direct ban have skirted the legal standards set by the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade that restrict the ability of states to outlaw abortion.


North Carolina's bill is just one of the pieces of abortion-restricting legislation that have been pushed through the GOP-controlled State legislature. Earlier this month, North Carolina became the third state to restrict funding to its Planned Parenthood clinics after the governor's state budget veto was overridden by the House.


Perdue's veto was her tenth for the year, a record number for a North Carolina governor, as a score of bills came from Republican lawmakers in their final week before adjournment.

Perdue also joined Democratic governors Jay Nixon in Missouri and John Lynch in New Hampshire in vetoing repug attempts to legislate voter suppression and election fraud.

No, Democratic executives do not have to constantly surrender to infantile, nihilistic repug legislators. Not even in red states.

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