Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Make sure that every worker has the skills for the job they're applying for."

All the worker training in the world doesn't do a fucking thing if there are no jobs to be had, Mr. President. There are no jobs going begging for qualified workers; there are 10 million highly qualified workers begging for jobs that no longer exist. There are no jobs.

But this - this is terrifying:

"Now, government is not – and should not be – the main engine of job-creation in this country. That’s the role of the private sector."

If Barack Obama actually thinks that, it's cause for impeachment. In a severe recession, which is what we have, in which corporations are hoarding their cash and refusing to create jobs, which is what they are doing, government is not just the main engine of job creation in this country - it's the only engine of job creation in this country.

Full transcript here.


  1. As someone who has been very actively job searching for three years now, I see exactly what is happening. Business is running this country, that's capitalism. Plain and simple, CEO's want to CUT costs, those costs are paid workers. Companies are not in business just to hire and pay workers (Sad fact). Technology advances, which put me out to pasture, is rather quickly winnowing down the working ranks. Now 47 years old is OLD in the U.S. corporate workforce. With Unions in shambles, and government least able/likely to create jobs this country will not move forward. Eventually everyone employed whose head is in the sand will awaken to this new reality..when they loose their jobs. Wil

  2. From Day #1 President Obama should have demanded WPA #2. Nurturing socialism for Wall Street and harsh, unfeeling capitalism for the rest of us. T'aint right but it sure is Right. Great post. Thanks
