Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Get Out, Set Up, Get Noticed

No, not every protest gets this kind of publicity, especially the small and unpopular ones.

But public protests outside where people can see you get a shitload more notice than sitting at a bar with your buddies bitching about how nobody ever does anything.

Scarce at Crooks and Liars:

MADISON (WKOW) -- The makeshift community of protesters against Governor Scott Walker's biennium budget is up and running.

The two-week long "Walkerville" tent city began Saturday with a kickoff event at 7 pm.

"This is all part of the anger and frustration at politicians that aren't listening to working class folks from around this state," said organizer Peter Rickman.

Protesters are calling it "Walkerville" after the "Hooverville" towns set up during the Great Depression.

Overnight camping is allowed along certain streets on Capitol Square, but not on Capitol grounds.
"If the people's house is going to be closed down we've gotta have a presence known," said Walkerville organizer Peter Rickman.

Rickman hopes to bring back the presence everyone remembers in February.

"We want to hold the politicians accountable for the bad choices they're making," said Rickman.

Each day will have a theme. Sunday - a rally was held for K-12 education.
Watch the video here.

1 comment:

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