Wednesday, June 8, 2011

David Williams Will Burn Kentucky To The Ground

In case you had any doubts that if he wins the governor's race, David Williams plans to rip the living heart out of Kentucky's economy the same way repug governors in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Texas, New Jersey and New Hampshire have done, here's the proof he's an unapologetic Anarchist.

From Media Czech:

Here's David Williams telling Bill Bennett how much he admires the union busting tactics of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (starting at 4:10):

It won't be 100% enthusiastic, but you can be sure that Labor will be all in for Steve Beshear this November, if only by default.
But it's not just labor, and it's not just Scott Walker in Wisconsin. The repub governors are all working from the same plan, and it's about turning state government into a piggy bank for the filthy rich and corporations.

In Florida, the public school system literally no longer exists - its entire budget was transferred into tax cuts for the rich, leaving school children with inadequate vouchers for worthless but expensive private schools.

In Michigan, the governor is removing elected officials at whim, turning local towns and counties into company towns for whatever corporate buddy he names local dictator.

Don't think the arrogant King David will hesitate for a heartbeat to join them in gubernatorial arson.

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