Saturday, May 28, 2011

When Bad Banks Attack

Tom B is one of my fellow trouble-makers at They Gave Us A Republic. There he is renowned for his passionate rants on all the many different ways corporations and our corporate-owned government abuse citizens like himself.

But he also has his own blog - "Things That Really Piss Me Off" - where he posts more personal rants.

This one on Bank of America's corporate assholes is long, but well worth your time.

After more than 10 years I finally stopped being a lazy lout and am finally severing all ties with Bank of America. Lord knows I've had numerous reasons over the years, some even worse than this latest little source of outrage on my part, but it's a cumulative thing, you know? I'm an easy going guy and it takes a while for me to get mad enough to actually yell but when it happens I tend to yell loudly and a lot.

Read the whole thing.

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