Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Senate Vote on Goodwin Liu Tomorrow - Send A Message

My Senators are Mitchie-poo McConnell and Aynrand "I've got nothing against ni**ers" Paul, so not even you suffering liberals in Oklahoma - all five of you - can claim to have opinions more irrelevant to the U.S. Senate than I can.

Nevertheless, like an innumerate lottery addict, I can't resist these stupid things. I mean, they've gotta work eventually, right? And it's the lazy man's way to vent.

From NARAL Pro-Choice America:

One of President Obama’s progressive nominees who supports our constitutional right to privacy will face a key vote tomorrow in the U.S. Senate.

We can’t let right-wing politicians block Goodwin Liu from serving as a federal judge.

Tell your senators that you support Goodwin Liu’s nomination.

Goodwin Liu’s nomination has been held up in the Senate by a handful of far-right senators for well over a year.

Liu is a professor at the University of California Berkeley School of Law and an accomplished lawyer with a distinguished record of working to protect civil rights. In his scholarly writings, he has defended the right to privacy and reproductive choice.

He criticized John Roberts’ right-wing record when he was up for the position of chief justice, saying: “What we already know from Roberts' record is cause for concern. His legal career is studded with activities unfriendly to civil rights, abortion rights, and the environment.”

We need more judges like Prof. Liu on the federal bench if we’re going to protect Roe v. Wade and the right to privacy for future generations. Getting him confirmed is going to take everything we’ve got. Call on your senators to confirm Prof. Liu.

Thanks for getting involved today and supporting pro-choice nominees.
Go on. Do it. You know you want to.

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