Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lastest Republican Fad: More Racist Than Thou

Seriously, people: I do not have time to keep throwing yet more evidence of the obvious at you.

Of course Ron Paul is crazy. And of course all republicans are racists. That's not the point. The point is that republicans are no longer denying being racist motherfuckers.

They're not even trying to hide the fact that they are racist motherfuckers.

They are out there, announcing their presidential campaigns, and claiming the right to republican votes because they are the most racist motherfuckers out there.

It's not even real news.

Wanna have some fun? Start a rumor that Newt Gingrich once helped a little old lady across the street.

By tomorrow morning's Sunday shows, Tim Pawlenty will be insisting that he, Tim Pawlenty, grabbed a little old lady off the street, beat her to a pulp and stole her church plate money.

Now that's a real republican.

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