Monday, May 9, 2011

Kentucky's Grand Old Poopyheads Score Again

Yes, we lost last year to Missouri's balance-the-budget-by-buying-lottery-tickets proposal, for which Blue Girl still owes me for the truss I had to buy after the laughter caused major damage, but I knew all you Stupid State Tricks aficionados would appreciate this one:

John Cheves at the Herald:

Kentucky Republicans have two choices in their May 17 primary for the state’s elected Auditor of Public Accounts, but both come with baggage.

State Rep. Addia Wuchner of Florence last year settled a lawsuit against her insurance company in which she claimed to be “permanently and totally disabled” and unable to work more than 15 hours a week because of a car crash that seriously injured her knees, shoulders and back. Wuchner now says she’s capable of working full-time as auditor.

Lexington developer John T. Kemper III, whose campaign slogan is “A Debt-Free Kentucky,” may soon lose his home in a foreclosure auction related to his personal bankruptcy. Kemper used $124 from his campaign fund to pay his vehicle tax in February.

The winning Republican will face Democrat Adam Edelen, former chief of staff to Gov. Steve Beshear, in November. Edelen has no primary opponent.

The current auditor, Crit Luallen, a Democrat, is finishing her second term, the limit allowed by law. Voters have elected state auditors since 1850 to monitor how public money is spent and how public agencies function. Some of Luallen’s high-profile audits have led to criminal convictions.

Read the whole thing.

Yes, we elect the state auditor. We elect the state treasurer. We elect the state - wait for it - Commissioner of Agriculture. We actually did put an end to the galactic stupidity of electing the Superintendant of Public Instruction - think about your most moronic neighbor being in charge of your child's education - but we still seem to think the solution to every problem is to put the decision in the hands of the same people who still think the Alaska Grifter would be a better president than Lincoln.

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