Tuesday, May 31, 2011

If the Saudis Are Against It, Let's Do It Immediately

From Zandar:

Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal admits he wants to see oil prices drop to keep the US and Europe from switching to green energy sources.
Remember the Saudis? They stuck the first shiv in the back of the U.S. economy 38 years ago with the first Oil Embargo. If you don't remember 1973 - and they did it again in 1979 - trust me, it was bad.

Fifteen of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. Bin Laden is a Saudi, who lived and terrorized for two decades on the money the Saudi princes paid him to not attack their country. Saudi money probably backs most Sunni terrorism, just as Iranian money probably backs most Shiite terrorism.

Saudi Arabia is the birthplace, and remains the keeper of the flame of Wahhabism, the antediluvian, fanatic variety of Islam that keeps muslims who follow it locked in the Dark Ages, subject to mutilation and death by stoning for "crimes" like stepping outside your home alone or falling in love with the wrong person.

A Saudi prince is the second-largest shareholder of Fox. How much more proof do you need that they are evil motherfuckers on a level with China?

Saudi Arabia has proven multiple times over the past 40 years that it is America's enemy.

And now we have America's enemy on the record hoping Americans eschew renewable energy in favor of burning more oil and thus enriching the Saudis.

How about this for a renewable energy slogan?

Every Gallon You Burn Enriches Al Qaeda

1 comment:

  1. Some scientists believe the entire earths core is comprised of hydro-carbons which percolate up through the mantle and are trapped in formations in the crust. In effect it becomes oil as it rises through temperature and pressures.
