Friday, May 20, 2011

Dems: Hate Ryan's Medicare Kibble? Social Security Cat Food is Yummy!

Digby nailed it months ago: Congressional and particularly Senate Democrats were going to use the catastrophic Ryan budget bill - especially the kill-Medicare provisions that make voters prefer gay-married illegal messican commie muslin terrists to republican candidates - to make people think the only-slightly-less-catastrophic Simpson-Bowles Catfood Commission plan to kill Social Security is acceptable.

Well, it's happened. But I never thought I would see it where I saw it. I never thought I would see Rachel fucking Maddow - of all the no-bullshit-allowed commentators out there - let a weak sister like Amy Klobuchar get away with claiming what Rachel has got to know is not just not true, not just a lie, but a monstrous conjob being foisted on the American people by this "Democratic" administration.

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Part of me wants to think that Klobuchar sneaked the catfood endorsement into what was supposed to be an interview about how the Ryan plan is so radioactive that it is killing GOP candidates everywhere, no matter what the candidate says about it.

But I also want to think that Rachel is way smarter than the DNC bozos writing Klobuchar's script, and she should not have been caught out like that, much less let Klobuchar get away with no pushback.

I never thought Jon Stewart would let John Yoo survive an interview with his limbs intact, either.

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