Tuesday, April 5, 2011

You're Welcome (with apologies to John Hodgeman)

Blue Texan fixes the budget, closes the deficit, pays off the debt, ends the wars, restores the middle class, makes the rich pay, punishes Wall Street and guarantees Obama's re-election with overwhelming Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress.

No, I am not being sarcastic. Blue Texan's plan really does all that.

And it will, too, get passed. All the Democrats have to do is type it up, present it to the House repugs as an untouchable ultimatum and watch them all drop dead from shock. Not so much from the content as from the very idea of dems negotiating like they mean it.

I’ve got a better plan for returning the country to prosperity. Here it is.

Withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Cut all defense spending by 50%.
Restore all tax rates to 1981 levels — across the board.
Double the Estate Tax.
Pass a millionaire’s tax.
Eliminate the mortgage interest deduction >$500,000.
Eliminate mortgage interest deduction on vacation homes.
Eliminate corporate tax loopholes.
Eliminate tax breaks for Big Oil.
Eliminate Big Farm subsidies.
Pass a carbon tax.
Pass a bank tax.

Problem solved.

Now when do I get breathlessly praised for my serious, courageous leadership?

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